
50 Wholesome Memes to Cheer You Up

50 Wholesome Memes That Will Help You Get Through The Week


Nov. 18 2019, Updated 2:14 p.m. ET

Source: reddit

It's the start of yet another long week. And while there may be roadblocks or obstacles, there will also always be wholesome memes to help you power through to the weekend. Enjoy. 

1. You're the man.

Source: Reddit

“Young kid banging on the door I wake up like WTF!! I open it like, What up lil homie (I’ve never seen him before).. He said I MISSED THE BUS AND NO ONE WILL TAKE ME TO SCHOOL I’VE KNOCKED ON 3 DOORS…

My response, SAY NO MORE FAM… DIDN’T EVEN BRUSH MY TEETH, just grabbed my keys, slipped on my foams..

GO GET THAT EDUCATION YOUNG BROTHA!!," writes one selfless and amazing big brother.


Indiana conservation officer had trouble posing for his staff photo because his K-9 partner kept licking his face. https://t.co/24uCjLSZS9 pic.twitter.com/DqkCab17Kz

— ABC News (@ABC) February 10, 2017


The world's tallest man hung out with the world's shortest woman on Friday and the photos are fantastic (via AP) pic.twitter.com/c6E3LL9Nzf

— Travis (@travislylesnews) January 28, 2018

4. Peer pressure.

Source: Reddit

“When they were trying to bring Puffins back to islands on the U.S. east coast, they decided to do so with dummies. Puffins are very social, and as a result, would want to land on islands that already have puffins. The dummies looked real from a distance, but were seriously lacking up close, held by a single peg. Puffins, being social and wanting to fit in, followed suit,” reads this one.


Today my five year-old laughed at this painting in the middle of a museum for like six minutes pic.twitter.com/AHlNJiZU5R

— Adam Rex (@MrAdamRex) January 1, 2018


my dad has been telling me for years about various friendly encounters with Mike, another resident of his apartment building he really likes and i found out yesterday that Mike is a dog

— monica heisey (@monicaheisey) December 13, 2017


My dad takes pictures of the dogs at the houses he works on and posts them on his business' Facebook page as employee of the week pic.twitter.com/BrkYKdr1lT

— huh (@_DillJos_) August 1, 2017


Source: Reddit

9. This would be a pretty good day for most of us.

Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit

11. OMG

Bad news: I accidentally washed a nice wool shirt that I really loved and it shrunk a LOT

Good news: pic.twitter.com/bPN6uji4ws

— alex tumay (@alextumay) October 24, 2017


if both basketball teams just worked together they could score so many more points

— hawk (@hawktherapper) April 20, 2014


Source: Reddit


Instead of texting these girls goodnight who don’t even want you, text your grandma goodnight and tell her you love her. That shit’ll make her week.

— béne (@AyyyyFroBro) January 6, 2018

15. She is both.

Couldn't choose between a star or an angel so I went with both pic.twitter.com/l5nKfkOSv6

— Jordan Hughes (@JayHillary) December 8, 2017


Omg so I faced my biggest fear today and went to the beach in a swimsuit☺️🏳️‍🌈 pic.twitter.com/eeSKUE581x

— Paris (@ArtHopeAlly) May 27, 2017


Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit

19. Take me there.

Reminder that quokkas are indigenous to an island where they have absolutely no natural predators, so they neither run from nor attack humans due to the fact that they never had a need for such survival tactics. In fact, they love taking selfies with tourists. And they smile pic.twitter.com/kCiXQhdStp

— Chuck Darwin (@chuckdarwin_) December 21, 2017


Source: reddit


Source: Twitter


Every time I'm in the shower my dog stares at me, worried, and he must assume I'm upset in here (because he hates baths) so he thinks if he drops his toy in that I'll feel better pic.twitter.com/xfIrRpPdtu

— Rude (@rudeweaver) January 13, 2018


Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit

25. Hugh Jackman is the best.

I know, I know - My selfie skills are terrible. But just look at this baby penguin and everything will appear better pic.twitter.com/DZSKZ7EjXi

— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) December 29, 2015


Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit


Cars need a second, more friendly horn. Sometimes you wanna honk politely at someone.

— Norm Kelly (@norm) November 20, 2017


Source: Reddit

30. Yes, this is the real Gordon Ramsey.

Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit


a baby was staring at me in target so i started waving to her & she waved back & the mom whipped around & was like OMG & i was like oh sorry i was just waving to your baby & she was like THAT WAS THE 1ST TIME SHES WAVED & me & this mom SCREAMED in the store bc we were so excited

— taryn land (@tarynland) November 25, 2017


when ur telling ur grandparents about ur job and they have no clue what ur talking bout but they're supportive pic.twitter.com/IhTOCQTFEu

— Juughead Jones (@broazay) November 24, 2017


Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit


Source: reddit


Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit

39. Any advice, Clippy?

Sometimes when I don't know what to do I'll get this out my pocket & pretend it knows the answer. pic.twitter.com/8MIpxHw0hC

— joe heenan (@joeheenan) July 17, 2017


Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit

42. This little girl who thought the bride she saw on the street was a princess from her book.

Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit


When you're watching Planet Earth and you don't want the predator to starve but you also don't want the prey to die https://t.co/JbzKEh7FtE

— Funny Vines (@FunnyVines) November 19, 2016

45. Accurate.

Every mom on Christmas while you opening up that gift they swore they wasn't getting you pic.twitter.com/sxcAN67R5o

— Carter Woolley (@carterwoolley) November 15, 2016


Mafia boss: "I want him swimming with the fishes!"

*later at the coral reef*

Me: "This is amazing!"

Mafia boss: "Anything for you."

— Ian Sausage (@stephenjmolloy) March 2, 2016


Source: https://me.me/i/baby-animals-babyanimalspic-how-to-turn-a-bad-situation-into-20741560


Source: Reddit


Source: Reddit

50. We don't deserve dogs.

Source: Reddit


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-09-07