
These NSFW Shorts Are Animated Love Letters To Elm Street And The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

It’s almost 2018, and neither Elm Street nor The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are in the best of shape.

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The former was last rebooted back in 2010, when Samuel Bayer resurrected Freddy Krueger for a new generation and, well, let’s just say the end product struggled to leave much of an impression. Wes Craven’s horror masterclass is by no means finished, though, what with plans in place for a second reboot, one that will presumably begin to step out of the shadows in 2018.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre, on the other hand, has been steadily pumping out one sequel after another ever since Tobe Hooper’s seminal classic introduced those blood-thirsty cannibals back in ’74. The latest incarnation, Leatherface, took things in a decidedly different direction, though Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury’s prequel will ultimately be remembered as an uninspired mess.

Thankfully, Bloody Disgusting has unearthed the perfect palette cleanser: a gory, NSFW horror short dedicated to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. There’s one for A Nightmare on Elm Street, too, which ought to sate your appetite for fake blood ten times over.

We have YouTuber Sonny Fernandez to thank for each horror-themed love letter, and below, the talented animator outlines why he approached both projects and, more specifically, how he retained some semblance of fidelity.

Sometimes I’ll tackle an icon, like Freddy or Jason; each time I do one of these guys I try to stay true to the aesthetic of the films. If you watch my Elm Street short you’ll see it follows the surreal/dreamlike nature of the movies. While my Texas Chainsaw Massacre short just plain goes for the throat.

Pretty cool, huh? If it’s more animated horror you’re after, Fernandez’s YouTube page is teeming with delightful treats, and they usually clock in at around 10 minutes in length. Looking further afield, though, what are your hopes for the future of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? And what about that Elm Street redo? You can, as always, drop your thoughts below.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-09-13