Horrific car crash leaves claw hair clip 'lodged deep in woman's skull for 2 hours'
A student teacher was left fearing for her life after a hair clip sliced through her scalp and lodged in her head for two hours after a car crash. Jeena Panesar, from Derby, was driving home from work in Swadlincote, Derbyshire, when she lost control of the car.
The 19-year-old says she was travelling at 50mph on a 60mph road when her car hit a tree before skidding and flipping over on January 24. Her head was then crushed against the roof.
Jeena had her hair tied up in a claw clip at the time, with the impact of the crash ramming the claw clip into the back of her head until 'most or all' of the hair accessory was embedded skull-deep in her flesh. The student teacher managed to escape the wreckage and desperately attempted to get help from a nearby motorist before passing out.
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She was then taken to Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham. where the ten centimetre-long clip was removed, after regaining consciousness at the scene. Jeena said: “It's sad to say but I kind of thought I was going to die. When the car started crashing the claw clip wedged into the back of my head. Then the car roof clamped down into my head, so it was a joint effort from both.
"It was just really painful. If you've ever worn a claw clip and forgotten to take it out and lay down on your back, it's that pressure and that discomfort.I had to lie there with what I'm assuming is most or all of it stuck in the back of my head. I think I might have been really cold and just in too much shock to feel all of the pain.”
She revealed paramedics wouldn’t show her the “damage” to avoid scaring her. After a nurse removed the claw clip, Jeena had surgeons clean and stitch up her wound, resulting in a three-day hospital stay.

Jeena shared selfies showing a giant 30cm wound running from the back of her scalp to her left eyebrow, which she's not able to move even six weeks on. She explained she wore the claw clip when she’s at work, because she couldn’t be “bothered” to brush her hair.
She's now warning drivers to ditch wearing claw clips while driving to avoid the same experience. Jeena said: “I didn't know wearing a claw clip while driving was a problem until I had the accident. It has definitely deterred me from wearing claw clips.
"Now I've seen it's happened to other people too so I'm part of a rare handful of people in this world who have experienced that. Don't wear a claw clip whatsoever when driving. If you want to tie your hair up, just use a rubber band."
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Her viral post has been viewed more than three million times and has racked up almost 1,000 comments from horrified TikTok users. One said: "I'm ever wearing a claw clip in a car again."
Another said: "I'm slowly taking off my claw clip on the bus."
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