
Dance Moms Recap 2/23/16: Season 6 Episode 8 Maddie Is Back

Dance Moms Recap 2/23/16: Season 6 Episode 8 "Maddie Is Back"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday February 23 season 6 episode 8 called, “Maddie Is Back,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Maddie returns from shooting her movie, but Abby doesn’t seem happy to see her most famous dancer.

On the last episode the stress of Abby’s legal woes caused her to reach her limit and kick the girls out of her studio; the mothers contacted Debbie Allen, who offered her studio so the girls could rehearse for their upcoming competition. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Maddie returns from shooting her movie, but Abby doesn’t seem happy to see her most famous dancer. Later, the moms question if Abby’s jealous of Maddie’s fame; and Ashlee hopes that Brynn will be the team’s next big star.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 8– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms begins at the ALDC studio with Maddie back finally from her movie. Maddie says she had fun making the movie, but is happy to be back. She says she has no idea what’s up with Abby but is happy to be with the other girls.

Jill hopes that Abby will be happier now that Maddie is back. Jessa asks Abby if she’s ready to go instead of being in her pajamas like last week. Holly asks if her attitude has changed and asks if she has passion again. Abby says dance is her passion.

Jill asks what has changed and Abby says it’s financial issues. She says the kids know this and says the moms have no idea what kind of stress she’s under. Abby says all her years of success are falling apart and she knows she’s not putting her best foot forward.

Abby says she has to suck it up and put on a happy face. She tells the girls the trip to Arizona was a success and says Maddie was a winner til she left for the movie then says she didn’t win the last time she competed.

Abby says Maddie needs to be her number one girl again. Abby says she’s watching Maddie this week and is going to come down on her hard this week and says staying at the top is tough. Melissa asks if Abby says the Ellen show video she sent.

Abby says she’s busy and Melissa thinks she’s being a jerk. JoJo, Nia, Maddie and Mackenzie are on the bottom of the pyramid. She says the group dance was not what she expected. Ashlee is happy Abby is being hard on Maddie.

Next on pyramid is Kendall and she says she did well. Then it’s Brynn. She says it was beautiful at competition. At the top is Kalani. She says she was gorgeous and didn’t let her mother Kira’s actions mess her up.

Abby says Kira gave her an ultimatum of Kalani or Brynn. Jill says she thinks Kira was thinking Brynn is done since Maddie is back. Abby likes Brynn but says Ashlee rubs her the wrong way. Abby says Brynn is still on probation because of her mother.

She says Brynn could be the next Maddie, but that’s on Ashlee. They are going to Dream National in San Diego this week. Abby says there will be incredible kids there and they need to step up. There are three solos.

Nia gets a musical theater number. Mackenzie gets a solo and the last one goes to JoJo who will play a nurse that kills. Abby tells them they are the three that need to step up and stop flying under the radar. She wants to see them exciting on stage.

The group routine is based on the seven deadly sins. She did it back in season one and Holly thinks it’s bad that she’s recycling a routine. Holly thinks it’s lazy. Abby starts group rehearsal. She gives sloth to Mackenzie, envy to Brynn, pride to Nia, gluttony to Maddie since she has it all.

Kalani gets lust, Kendall gets wrath, and JoJo gets greed. Abby says it has to be dark and sinful. Abby says the girls are older now so they can do it again because she doesn’t want a bunch of sinners dancing for her. Abby tells Maddie she has to make sure they win.

Ashlee brings up why Maddie didn’t get a solo and isn’t on top of the pyramid. Melissa is annoyed and says Maddie had a solo on Ellen. Jill says the seven deadly sins applies to Abby. They talk about her gluttony always eating and her wrath.

Ashlee says she’s never seen lust out of her but then they tell her they have. Melissa asks Abby why she’s not excited about Maddie being on Ellen. She says it’s just four minutes and Abby asks why she didn’t invite her.

Melissa says she barely got into the audience and Abby says it was more important that she be there than Melissa. The other moms tell her she’s jealous of Maddie’s success. Jill says Maddie’s career is taking off while Abby’s is going down the drain so she’s punishing her.

The moms talk about Maddie not getting a solo and Jessa says Abby is trying to squash Abby. Ashlee is happy about it and says Maddie’s time on the team may be coming to an end and this gives Brynn a chance.

Abby comes up and Melissa asks if Maddie will get a solo. Abby hems and haws then says she doesn’t know. Jessa says Abby has an agenda and the other moms continue to talk about how Abby is treating Maddie poorly.

Now it’s time for solo rehearsal. JoJo talks about how Abby puts them in the shadow of Maddie, Brynn and Kalani. Abby tells the girls she has someplace she’d rather be if they don’t want to work hard on their solos.

Abby talks to Nia about how tough the competition will be in the teen division. Abby says Nia sings and dances and could definitely be on Broadway. Holly is annoyed at the choreography and says it’s not designed to be a winning dance. Holly speaks up but Abby refuses to change it. They bicker and Abby walks out annoyed.

Next is Mackenzie’s solo rehearsal and says she needs fire under her butt to beat JoJo since they’re competing. Melissa says she’s over this. Melissa says she pays Abby to teach dance not rush them through it. Abby chews her out and Mackenzie is upset.

Melissa says if Abby can’t control her emotions, she doesn’t want to be there. The day before competition, the moms wonder if Abby will show up. Abby comes in with her hair up in a towel. She says it’s still wet and says it’s too cold and she’s going to get sick.

The moms think it’s ridiculous and agree it’s always something. Holly says if you work in a bank, you wouldn’t show up like that. Holly calls her an absolute joke. Abby rehearses group with the girls. Holly says Abby has no room to talk about sins.

She says Abby is a total sloth and has recycled a dance and doesn’t care to work. Abby watches in her towel. Abby critiques Maddie and says Brynn is very good. She tells Maddie she’s rushing rather than performing.

Melissa says Maddie was amazing and Jessa agrees she was perfect. Ashlee says things are changing. Melissa says her daughter just booked another job and Brynn hasn’t. Jill says Ashlee has no idea what probation means.

Jill asks if she asked Abby what that meant and she doesn’t care. Ashlee says she doesn’t need their advice and has this all figured out. It’s the day of the competition and the ALDC arrives to cheers in San Diego.

Jill says the kids need to do their job even if Abby isn’t doing hers. Abby gives last minute pointers to the soloists. Holly thinks Abby put no effort towards the solo choreography but still expects a win. Jessa mentions that Brynn’s name isn’t in the program.

Ashlee says Abby says she’s on the team but Abby says she’s part of the family and that’s what she said – not the team. Jessa says she’s happy that Brynn isn’t in the program since Ashlee keeps telling them her daughter is better.

Abby says Ashlee doesn’t know when to zip it and that’s why she’s on probation. She says Brynn’s talent should speak for itself and her mom should shut up. Abby tells JoJo that she needs to not bobble. She tells Mackenzie she’s against JoJo and says she needs to do the hard steps she wants.

Abby says Nia is closer to embarking on an adult career than the others. She says she’s done her homework and says no flying under the radar – go win. Kendall gives JoJo some last minute tips and encouragement.

JoJo’s solo is first and Jessa is nervous. Jessa thinks it went perfectly. Mackenzie is next and Melissa hopes her daughter nails this and puts Abby in her place. Melissa thinks she nailed all the tricks and had good feet and lets.

Holly is nervous before Nia’s solo and says she’s capable of far more than Abby will let her do. She hopes Nia doesn’t hold back. Holly is pleased and says it was stunning but Abby’s choreography fell short for the teen division.

Ashlee asks Abby if she has any regrets for not using Maddie for a solo. Ashlee asks if she’s jealous of Maddie’s success. Abby says she’s going to get kicked off the team. She says she can do a whole lot of her kid or a whole lot of nothing.

The other moms laugh at Ashlee who says it’s a good sign for her that Maddie isn’t the lead anymore. Ashlee says Abby won’t use any of their kids since she already could have and says Brynn is the new Maddie.

Ashlee says Abby handed Brynn Maddie’s jacket and the bickering breaks out. Jessa reminds her she’s not in the program. The girls come dressed for their group number and Abby tells Maddie to take off her rings and is kind of nasty.

Melissa says Maddie has been at ALDC her whole life and if Abby wants to treat her this way, she can find a new teacher who wants her. The group number starts. Abby says the group was clean and costumes gorgeous.

Now it’s awards time. JoJo takes third place. Jessa is happy and says she didn’t get a lot of time to work and blames Abby. Mackenzie takes first place in junior. She’s happy. In the teen division, Nia takes fourth place. Holly is upset and says Nia did the best she could with that choreography.

Now it’s group awards. ALDC wins first place for small group. Abby finally smiles. Abby says she pushed Maddie hard and she stepped up and led the team to victory. Abby says she knows her students and knows when to push them.

Abby says she will forgive the losers and Holly says it wasn’t a good routine. Abby says probably not but it could help Nia get a Broadway job. Abby says as the kids get older they want to change and Abby does too. She starts crying and says she sacrifices for their kids.

Abby admits she’s burned out and didn’t do the best job this week. Holly says don’t fixate on all this and says don’t be consumed by it. The moms act concerned since Abby isn’t ranting at them about the low placements.



Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-07-21